Deep Dive into Multithreading, Multiprocessing, and Asyncio | by Clara Chong | Dec, 2024

Multithreading allows a process to execute multiple threads concurrently, with threads sharing the same memory and resources (see diagrams 2 and 4).

However, Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits multithreading’s effectiveness for CPU-bound tasks.

Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

The GIL is a lock that allows only one thread to hold control of the Python interpreter at any time, meaning only one thread can execute Python bytecode at once.

The GIL was introduced to simplify memory management in Python as many internal operations, such as object creation, are not thread safe by default. Without a GIL, multiple threads trying to access the shared resources will require complex locks or synchronisation mechanisms to prevent race conditions and data corruption.

When is GIL a bottleneck?

  • For single threaded programs, the GIL is irrelevant as the thread has exclusive access to the Python interpreter.
  • For multithreaded I/O-bound programs, the GIL is less problematic as threads release the GIL when waiting for I/O operations.
  • For multithreaded CPU-bound operations, the GIL becomes a significant bottleneck. Multiple threads competing for the GIL must take turns executing Python bytecode.

An interesting case worth noting is the use of time.sleep, which Python effectively treats as an I/O operation. The time.sleep function is not CPU-bound because it does not involve active computation or the execution of Python bytecode during the sleep period. Instead, the responsibility of tracking the elapsed time is delegated to the OS. During this time, the thread releases the GIL, allowing other threads to run and utilise the interpreter.

Multiprocessing enables a system to run multiple processes in parallel, each with its own memory, GIL and resources. Within each process, there may be one or more threads (see diagrams 3 and 4).

Multiprocessing bypasses the limitations of the GIL. This makes it suitable for CPU bound tasks that require heavy computation.

However, multiprocessing is more resource intensive due to separate memory and process overheads.

Unlike threads or processes, asyncio uses a single thread to handle multiple tasks.

When writing asynchronous code with the asyncio library, you’ll use the async/await keywords to manage tasks.

Key concepts

  1. Coroutines: These are functions defined with async def . They are the core of asyncio and represent tasks that can be paused and resumed later.
  2. Event loop: It manages the execution of tasks.
  3. Tasks: Wrappers around coroutines. When you want a coroutine to actually start running, you turn it into a task — eg. using asyncio.create_task()
  4. await : Pauses execution of a coroutine, giving control back to the event loop.

How it works

Asyncio runs an event loop that schedules tasks. Tasks voluntarily “pause” themselves when waiting for something, like a network response or a file read. While the task is paused, the event loop switches to another task, ensuring no time is wasted waiting.

This makes asyncio ideal for scenarios involving many small tasks that spend a lot of time waiting, such as handling thousands of web requests or managing database queries. Since everything runs on a single thread, asyncio avoids the overhead and complexity of thread switching.

The key difference between asyncio and multithreading lies in how they handle waiting tasks.

  • Multithreading relies on the OS to switch between threads when one thread is waiting (preemptive context switching).
    When a thread is waiting, the OS switches to another thread automatically.
  • Asyncio uses a single thread and depends on tasks to “cooperate” by pausing when they need to wait (cooperative multitasking).

2 ways to write async code:

method 1: await coroutine

When you directly await a coroutine, the execution of the current coroutine pauses at the await statement until the awaited coroutine finishes. Tasks are executed sequentially within the current coroutine.

Use this approach when you need the result of the coroutine immediately to proceed with the next steps.

Although this might sound like synchronous code, it’s not. In synchronous code, the entire program would block during a pause.

With asyncio, only the current coroutine pauses, while the rest of the program can continue running. This makes asyncio non-blocking at the program level.


The event loop pauses the current coroutine until fetch_data is complete.

async def fetch_data():
print("Fetching data...")
await asyncio.sleep(1) # Simulate a network call
print("Data fetched")
return "data"

async def main():
result = await fetch_data() # Current coroutine pauses here
print(f"Result: {result}")

method 2: asyncio.create_task(coroutine)

The coroutine is scheduled to run concurrently in the background. Unlike await, the current coroutine continues executing immediately without waiting for the scheduled task to finish.

The scheduled coroutine starts running as soon as the event loop finds an opportunity, without needing to wait for an explicit await.

No new threads are created; instead, the coroutine runs within the same thread as the event loop, which manages when each task gets execution time.

This approach enables concurrency within the program, allowing multiple tasks to overlap their execution efficiently. You will later need to await the task to get it’s result and ensure it’s done.

Use this approach when you want to run tasks concurrently and don’t need the results immediately.


When the line asyncio.create_task() is reached, the coroutine fetch_data() is scheduled to start running immediately when the event loop is available. This can happen even before you explicitly await the task. In contrast, in the first await method, the coroutine only starts executing when the await statement is reached.

Overall, this makes the program more efficient by overlapping the execution of multiple tasks.

async def fetch_data():
# Simulate a network call
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return "data"

async def main():
# Schedule fetch_data
task = asyncio.create_task(fetch_data())
# Simulate doing other work
await asyncio.sleep(5)
# Now, await task to get the result
result = await task

Other important points

  • You can mix synchronous and asynchronous code.
    Since synchronous code is blocking, it can be offloaded to a separate thread using asyncio.to_thread(). This makes your program effectively multithreaded.
    In the example below, the asyncio event loop runs on the main thread, while a separate background thread is used to execute the sync_task.
import asyncio
import time

def sync_task():
return "Completed"

async def main():
result = await asyncio.to_thread(sync_task)

  • You should offload CPU-bound tasks which are computationally intensive to a separate process.

This flow is a good way to decide when to use what.

Flowchart (drawn by me), referencing this stackoverflow discussion
  1. Multiprocessing
    – Best for CPU-bound tasks which are computationally intensive.
    – When you need to bypass the GIL — Each process has it’s own Python interpreter, allowing for true parallelism.
  2. Multithreading
    – Best for fast I/O-bound tasks as the frequency of context switching is reduced and the Python interpreter sticks to a single thread for longer
    – Not ideal for CPU-bound tasks due to GIL.
  3. Asyncio
    – Ideal for slow I/O-bound tasks such as long network requests or database queries because it efficiently handles waiting, making it scalable.
    – Not suitable for CPU-bound tasks without offloading work to other processes.

That’s it folks. There’s a lot more that this topic has to cover but I hope I’ve introduced to you the various concepts, and when to use each method.

Thanks for reading! I write regularly on Python, software development and the projects I build, so give me a follow to not miss out. See you in the next article 🙂

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